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Free Guide Reveals:
How To Manage The Rough Spots & Keep Your Marriage Together
Free Guide Reveals:
How To Manage The Rough Spots & Keep Your Marriage Together
Swipe This Free Guide To Discover...
  • How to avoid growing apart - and what to do if it's already happened.
  • The keys to overcoming arguments and difficult times for a more peaceful relationship.
  • The little-known solution to overcome common disagreements about work, kids, money, and more.
  • ​And much more!
  • How to avoid growing apart - and what to do if it's already happened.
  • The keys to overcoming arguments and difficult times for a more peaceful relationship.
  • The little-known solution to overcome common disagreements about work, kids, money, and more.
  • And much more!
About Your Coach
Justina Rake
A born and raised Saskatchewan prairie girl, the prairies were my first love, the mountains are my forever love.
I am a Dream Life Coach with a passion to help women have the best marriage ever.
I’ve been serving people for about 44 years, 28 of those in healthcare and 12 in ministry through the local church and in the community.
I graduated from the School of Women in Ministry 2014. Certified Coach with Beautiful You Coaching Academy 2019. Certified Coach with Dream Life Certification 2023. Former Freedom Session Director/facilitator for 6 years, in the church. Supporting people with self sabotage and addictions, healing past hurts and learning to forgive forever. Restoring relationships, and releasing people to a renewed life.
What I discovered is that everything is about relationships and marriage, for these are the places of total vulnerability and our greatest pain comes right there. We are broken and hurt people who continue to hurt others because we haven’t put our past where it belongs, in the past.
Mission Statement:
I have a saying: “Past, Present and Future walk into a room, and all was at peace.”
My mission is to see everyone make peace with their past and get a vision for their future, and start living it now.
To do marriage and relationships well on earth, healing one person at a time has a ripple effect.
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to make marriage beautiful again, to make the family whole again and to help you leave a beautiful legacy for the generations to come.
Let's make that a reality together...
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